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Planning for Tomorrow’s Journey

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Helping You Find the Right Path

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Welcome to Atlas Peak Advisors, Inc.

Proudly Serving Clients Throughout the Country

As a firm, we believe in helping clients achieve their financial goals to benefit them and their families so they can focus on living life. We do so by guiding clients through actionable plans with a disciplined investment process. Ultimately, we create financial plans and provide investment management services for clients with the will to achieve their own financial goals.

Here’s What We Believe In:


The first step starts with you and knowing the lifestyle you want in retirement. We realize it can be overwhelming, but that’s all the more reason for you to take control and start your plan of action early and let your assets grow with you along the way.

Atlas Peak Advisors

And Our Investing Philosophy

As an independent investment management firm, we have no other incentives than to do what is in the best interest of the client. We put clients in funds that make sense for their goals. Unlike big firms that push their proprietary funds, we have the flexibility to pick the best investment options for the client based on their risk tolerance, time horizon and financial goals.

The hallmarks of our investment style are conservatism, patience and discipline. These attributes are cemented into a belief system that is centered around ideas that:

Markets reward investors over time.

The price you pay for something matters.

The scientific-based approach is more successful & efficient.

It’s our firm’s due diligence to seek out and research the best investments for our clients in a rapidly changing investment environment.

Discover What Our Firm Is About